P.S. A lista está em inglês mas são quase duas da manhã e vou dormir.
WellStyled Color Scheme Generator - generator of color schemes and palettes to create well balanced and harmonic web pages.
ColorJack - multiple online color scheme generators used by designers.
Colorschemer Online Version 2
4096 Color Wheel - hover over the color wheel to generate the scheme.
Genopal Online - online harmonious color schemes creator.
Unsafe Colormatch - create 24-bit color schemes online.
Color Mixers - RGB remixing tool.
Transparent PNG Generator - create transparent PNG images in any color.
Colordb - powerful color scheme generator.
Not enough? See also…
Colr - generate color from your own images or flickr.
ColorMatch Redux - simple color scheme generator.
ColorToy 2.0 - flash color schemer.
Visibone Colorlab - simple color wheel.
Dhtmlgoodies Color Schemer
Triplecode Munsell Palette - cool flash-based color picker.
Colorsontheweb - offers various color tools.
Gpeters - instant color scheme from Yahoo images.
Color Palette Generators
Color Blender - free online color palette for design and matching.
Swatchify - easily create and share your color palette.
Jrm Color Palette Generator - generate a color palette based on an image.
Not enough? See also…
Degraeve - color palette generator from images.
Slayeroffice - simple color palette creator.
I+Like+Your+Colors - web pages color palette generator.
Bighugelabs - create a harmonious color palette from a photo.
ColorCell - finding the most pleasing color combinations.
Colorcombos - web color combinations testing tool for web developers.
IDEO Web Color Visualizer - background and font color comparison tool.
Kolur - color palette gallery.
Typetester - online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen.
Not enough? See also…
Adobe Kuler - quickly create harmonious color themes online.
Daily Color Scheme - daily color scheme based on websites.
Whats Its Color - evaluate an image and give you the image’s complementary dominant colors.
Colrpickr - search Flickr photos based on their color.
Further Reading
2. Color Theory for Developers - by Jon Shemitz
3. Secrets of Web Color Revealed - by Color Harmony
4. The Power of Color - by Pegie Stark Adam
5. Choosing color combinations - by Veerle
6. Complete Color Matching Guide - worth to read.
7. Color Design Workbook: A Real-World Guide to Using Color in Graphic Design - by Noreen Morioka and Terry Stone Sean Adams
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