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Alguns exemplos de fotografia Pinhole a seguir. Podem no entanto ver mais imagens etiquetadas com "pinhole" no flickr ou nos clusters pinhole.
Alguns exemplos de fotografia Pinhole a seguir. Podem no entanto ver mais imagens etiquetadas com "pinhole" no flickr ou nos clusters pinhole.
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2009 will be celebrated around the world on Sunday April 26th. A pinhole camera is a very simple camera with no lens and a single very small aperture. Simply explained, it is a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through this single point and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box - it's the principle of the Camera Obscura.Check out the official website and look in events if there is a workshop going on near you.Some examples of pinhole photographs next. One can see more images tagged with "pinhole" in flickr or in its pinhole clusters.
Descobri um sítio onde se pode fazer o download de pdf's com instrucções para fazer maquinas pinhole todas catitas. Como eles dizem: "Faz um intervalo do computador! Baixa, imprime e constroi a tua própria camara pinhole. Segue as instrucções e diverte-te!" Visitem.

I found a place where you can download some pdf's with instructions on how to make some very cool pinhole cameras. Like they say: "Take a break from your computer! Download, print and build your own pinhole camera. Follow the instructions and enjoy!" Do visit.

Para acabar, encontrei as seguintes fotos no flickrs. Mas como estas há muito mais. Estas fotos levam o conceito da Camera Obscura mais além. Usando um quarto escuro iluminado por um unico ponto de luz e usando exposições de 15 segundos ou mais, revelam-se as imagens invertidas projectadas do exterior. Muito interessante.
To finish I'd like to show some images I found in flickr which take the concept of Camera Obscura a bit further. Using a dark room lit by a single point and taking a picture exposed for 15 seconds or more, the projected images from the outside are revealed, in reverse.
To finish I'd like to show some images I found in flickr which take the concept of Camera Obscura a bit further. Using a dark room lit by a single point and taking a picture exposed for 15 seconds or more, the projected images from the outside are revealed, in reverse.
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